The Fam

The Fam

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Playing Dress Up

I've got to be honest. I love the dancing part of Ballroom Dancing, but the costumes and makeup are just as fun. This really suprises me because I have never considered myself a "girly girl". It's a crazy game because a genuine dress should run about $2000. This is where the creativity comes in. We stalk other girls to borrow their dresses, we buy cheap dresses on ebay and try to "stone" them up a little, we buy used dresses that don't fit and pay out the nose for alterations. Sigh. Call me if you need to know how to pronounce Swarovski.


Freddy and Mandy said...

I think it's fun wearing $2000 on your body. That essentially what you're doing when you wear it! They need to have a "Red Carpet" just for ballroom dresses. Tim Gunn would flip his lid! (And want to borrow them...)

Deni said...

Before I'd worry about the cost of the dress, I'd have to figure out how to DANCE in those high heels. I would die so quickly.